About us

Ariogala Gymnasium has 554 pupils and 50 teachers. A lot of pupils come from rural area, so this gymnasium is socially oriented school. Its' main aim is to assure high quality and social education. A lot of students participate and have high level of knowledge in IT, English language. Gymnasium is one of the most active schools in the Raseiniai district. Community members participate in various activities; try to develop as many different skills as possible. This Gymnasium also participates in national projects such as Healthy way of living. 

Ariogala Gymnasium is the school that provides primary, basic and secondary education for the students. There are students from 6 to 19 years old. Our gymnasium seeks not just to educate a true citizen of Lithuania but also a citizen with all required abilities and knowledge for  a modern European  society. 

Our school starts caring of a student from the first grade. There are teams of professional and competent teachers, also a speech therapist and psychologist service is provided at school. All their attention is devoted to the development of a personality. 

Our classrooms are equipped with modern technologies that help to educate students by reaching good results in various contests and competitions as well as in the state exams. There is a huge assembly hall that has got newly installed acoustics, a choreography hall where students have dancing lessons. 

There are many after school activities that help to develop different abilities of a student such as a folk singing club, chorus, and a number of others; also various sport activities that are organized and lead by creative and imaginative teachers. 

Gymnasium has experience in Nordplus and Erasmus+ projects (dealing with ecology, bullying issues). School community is eager to gain knowledge in various spheres of education and life. 

There is always a team of teachers and administrative stuff in order to ensure the execution of the project and all its activities. 

  • Elektroninis dienynas
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Pamokų laikas
  • 1. 08.00 – 08.45
  • 2. 08.55 – 09.40
  • 3. 09.50 – 10.35
  • 4. 11.05 – 11.50
  • 5. 12.10 – 12.55
  • 6. 13.05 – 13.50
  • 7. 14.00 – 14.45
  • 8. 14.55 – 15.40
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